People's Action No to More Road Tolls

The People's Action No to More Road Tolls is a political party of Norway. The single-issue party's stance is that road construction should be entirely funded through ordinary taxes and road tolls should be abolished.
The party was founded in 2014 in Stavanger as a reaction to the plans to erect a toll ring in Stavanger/Sandnes. Starting off as a people's action, it was reformed as a party and ran in 2015 municipal elections, winning three municipal councilors. It has since its foundation been led by Frode Myrhol.
For the 2019 election the party ran for eleven municipal and five county elections, winning seats in all locations, 51 in municipal and 17 in county councils. The highest results were achieved with 22.1 percent in Alver and 16.7 percent in Bergen, and as low as 1.5 percent in Vestfold og Telemark.


Election results in the 2019 municipal elections:
MunicipalityPopular vote%Seats
Alver3 44022,110
Askøy1 1498,03
Bergen25 05316,711
Oslo21 3465,84
Sandnes3 3689,15
Sola1 33510,14
Stavanger6 6129,26
Øygarden1 4568,04

Results from the 2019 county elections:
CountyPopular vote%Seats
Oslo21 3465,84
Rogaland14 0666,43
Vestfold og Telemark2 9571,51
Vestland28 2369,16
Viken19 2993,53