Pepita Pardell

Pepita Pardell Terrade was a Spanish animator, cartoonist, illustrator, and painter. She was a pioneer of animation cinema in Spain. In 1945, she worked on the first animated film, in color, in Europe. Pardell was awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi in 2018.


Pepita Pardell Terrade was born in Barcelona, March 16, 1928. At the age of fourteen, Pardell told her mother that she didn't want to be a dependent. Her father, from whom she inherited a passion for drawing, let Pardell study at Escola de la Llotja. Her grandfather, Josep Pardell Mateu, worked with Antoni Gaudí.
Pardell began her career in the field of animation in 1944, when she went to work at the production company Balet y Blay to be part of the Garbancito de la Mancha team, which was the first animated feature film in Spain and the first European film of color cartoons, directed by Arturo Moreno. At Balet and Blay, she also participated in the creation of Alegres vacaciones and Los sueños de Tay-Pi.
From 1951 to 1962, Pardell worked as an illustrator, making comics for Ediciones Toray. In 1962, she went to work for the animation producer Estudios Buch-Sanjuán. Subsequently, she affiliated with Publivisión, Pegbar Productions, Equipo and Cine Nic. Throughout her long career, Pardell worked with directors such as Robert Balser and Jordi Amorós.
Pardell died in Barcelona, July 11, 2019.
