Peponi School

Peponi School is an international secondary school in Ruiru, Kenya. It has a reputation for being academically excellent and is known to be one of the best schools offering the British Curriculum in the entire East African region. Over the years, the results of Peponi School in academics, sports and every other field have led their students to gain admission into some of the best universities in the world including Stanford University and the University of California Berkeley, both ranked within the top universities globally.
The school offers a boarding section as well as a day pupils section. Their focus lies in providing a wholesome education to students, from being involved in academics to sport to music and all other extra-curricular activities that they are interested in pursuing.

History and operations

The school was established in 1989 on a 63-acre piece of land. The school is set at around 5,600 ft above sea level in a countryside ranch. The campus is within a kilometer of the main Nairobi–Thika Highway, near Ruiru town, Central Province, within easy reach of the amenities of Nairobi city.


The school has an international intake of pupils and is a center for internationally recognized school-leaving examinations at 16, 17 and 18 Years. As of 2017, the school is also a center for the US-based CollegeBoard examinations, including the SAT.
Throughout the years the school has performed well academically, producing top students in Kenya, Africa and the World. The mixed system for British examinations, administering a variety of Edexcel International Examinations as well as the Cambridge International Examination is something unique to Peponi School.

After Peponi

Peponi School has been sending students to renowned universities all over the world since its establishment. These include the following prestigious, highly ranked universities and many more:
The aim at Peponi School is to develop the whole pupil within a caring community. To impart to them the values and skills that will enable them:
Peponi School is an international, multi-faith and multi-racial school where the pupils are taught tolerance and respect for those they may consider ‘different’ to themselves, so that they may succeed in the integrated community at Peponi and in the world at large.