Per mille

Per mille,, is an expression that means parts per thousand. Other recognised spellings include per mil, per mill, permil, permill, or permille
The associated sign is written, which looks like a percent sign with an extra zero in the divisor.
The term occurs so rarely in English that major dictionaries do not agree on the spelling and some major dictionaries such as Macmillan do not even contain an entry. The term is more common in other European languages where it is used to express percentages smaller than 1%. One common usage is blood alcohol content, that is usually expressed as a percentage in English-speaking countries.
Per mil should not be confused with parts per million.

Computer systems

The code point for the glyph is included in the General Punctuation block of Unicode characters:. It may be typed using,, or, according to operating system.


Examples of use include:
In English, the phrase "per mille" may also be used in other contexts unrelated to percentage, such as