Perpetual student

A perpetual student or career student is a college or university attendee who re-enrolls for several years more than is necessary to obtain a given degree, or who pursues multiple terminal degrees.


The 2002 film National Lampoon's Van Wilder tells the story of Van Wilder, a popular student who has been in college for seven years, with no plans to graduate.
The CW Network's program Girlfriendss character, Lynn Searcy, remains in school and receives multiple post-graduate degrees.
The Librarian is a series of made-for-TV movies from TNT starring Noah Wyle as a perpetual student who becomes a librarian protecting a secret collection of artifacts.
Diane, from the TV comedy Cheers.
The character of Daljit from the 2006 Bollywood movie Rang de Basanti.
The character of Peter Trophimof in Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard.
Rincewind, the protagonist of many of Terry Pratchett's books.
Victor Tugelbend, the protagonist of Moving Pictures, another Pratchett novel, has a trust fund only supporting him until he graduates or gets too low a score on the exam. Thus, Victor made a career out of scoring between failure and graduation on every exam.