Perumpilly, Narakkal
Perumpilly is a prominent suburb of Njarakkal, on the southern edge of Narakkal Village, bordering Elankunnapuzha Village. The people of the sub-village mostly are Hindu or Christian by belief. People of Hindu community here belong to many caste's such as, Pulaya, Ezhava, Araya, Kudumbi and Nair. But Christian's here community belong to different Denominations practicing different Rites like Catholics prominently represented by Latin Catholics and Syrian Catholics. A few Protestant Believers also live here.Facilities
Holy Family Church, Perumpilly belongs to the Latin Catholic Christian community. It is situated approximately 500 meters at the eastern end of Perumpilly Church Road that goes east off the Vypeen- Munambam Road from Perumpilly Church Road Bus stop, Narakkal.