Petenia splendida

Petenia splendida, the Bay snook, is a species of cichlid from Mexico and northern Central America. It is important to local commercial fisheries.


This piscivorous species can reach a length of SL. These fishes have a laterally compressed body, with an elongated head and a prominent jaw. The fins are large and rounded. The basic coloration varies from pale pink to deep red to gold. Males are a bit larger than females, with a more accentuated red coloration. Females are usually rounder. The special feature of this species is in the jaws that are extensible to more than 1/4 of the length of the entire body, which allows to prey fishes of considerable size but also to suck small fishes directly into the mouth.

Distribution and habitat

This species is native to the Atlantic slope of tropical Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. It prefers slower-moving areas of rivers and lakes.