Peter Mayo is a professor, speaker, editor, writer, and former head of the Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education at the University of Malta, in Malta. He formerly served as the university's head of the Department of Education Studies from 2008 to 2012. Mayo was a member of the Collegio Docenti for the doctoral research programme in Educational Sciences and Continuing Education at the Università degli Studi di Verona. He teaches in the areas of sociology of education and adult continuing education, as well as in comparative and international education and sociology in general. He was previously employed as a school teacher and later as Officer in Charge of Adult Education in the then Department of Education, Ministry of Education, Malta. Mayo has held visiting professorial appointments at multiple universities and was a Visiting Professorial Fellow at the Institute of Education, University College London during 2014. He was previously a member of the Collegio Docenti for the international doctorate in intercultural sociology and education at the University of Messina and was the President of the Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education from 2008 to 2010. He was visiting professor at the Institute of Education, University College London Mayo has published well over 100 papers and has been serving as book series editor for Sense Publishers, Bloomsbury Academic, and Palgrave-Macmillan. He is also one of the editors for the refereed journal Postcolonial Directions in Education. He also serves on the editorial advisory boards of several international peer reviewed journals including the International Journal of Lifelong Education, Journal of Transformative Education, and Educational Philosophy and Theory.
Awards and recognition
Inducted into the International Adult Continuing Education Hall of Fame Class of 2019. for the best published research article on higher education from an international and comparative perspective
Gramsci, Freire and Adult Education ; also published in Catalan, Portuguese, German, Italian, Spanish Turkish and Japanese
Gramsci and Education also published in Turkish, Spanish and Catalan translation.
Liberating Praxis: Paulo Freire's Legacy for Radical Education and Politics, AESA Critics Choice Award 2005; in paperback by Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, 2008;in Catalan translation, as La Praxi Alliberadora. El Llegat de Paulo Freire per a l’Educació Radical i Politica, ; also published, in Turkish translation, as Özgürlestiren Praksis - Paulo Freire'nin Radikal Eğitim ve politica Mirasi.
Public Intellectuals, Radical Democracy and Social Movements. A Book of Interviews.
Mediterranean Studies in Comparative Education,.
Education in Small States. Global Imperatives, Regional Initiatives and Local Dilemmas
Gramsci and Educational Thought also published in Turkish translation, as Gramsci ve Eğitsel Düşünce.
Learning with Adults. A Critical Pedagogical Introduction. Winner of 2013 Cyril Houle Award for "outstanding literature in adult education" ; also published in Spanish translation, as Aprendiendo con personas adultas. una introducción crítica y pedagógica ; also published, in Catalan translation, as Aprenent amb persones adultes: una introducció crítica i pedagògica
Echoes from Freire for a Critically Engaged Pedagogy
Politics of Indignation. Imperialism, Postcolonial Disruptions and Social Change
Learning with Adults. A Reader
Lorenzo Milani, the School of Barbiana and the Struggle for Social Justice.
Práctica de la Práctica. compromiso y libertad en las experiencias educativas emancipadoras,.
Hegemony and Education under Neoliberalism. Insights from Gramsci
International Critical Pedagogy Reader
Saggi di Pedagogia Critica.Oltre il Neoliberismo. Analizzando educatori, lotte e movimenti sociali, co-authored with Paolo Vittoria.
Higher Education in a Globalising World. Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning