Petroleum licensing

Petroleum licensing or exploration license is the act of giving licenses to a company or a joint venture allowing them to search for commercially feasible deposits for the .
Each sovereign country distributes licenses in what is typically called a licensing round. The procedure for such, can greatly vary from country to country. The largest change is usually if it is a bid system or a grant system.
In the bid system, each company or joint venture will offer a bid to gain the rights for the petroleum exploration at the license for a limited period of time. The highest bid, will obtain the rights.
In the grant system, the license will be granted to the company or joint venture that shows the highest interest and ability for the exploration of the license. This can be shown by the company experience, projected plan for the exploration and or longest presence on the country as a petroleum exploration company.

Countries Licensing Rounds

When a petroleum license is granted, the company or join venture is given a limited time for the exploration of the license. If after the limited time, the company has not discovered or performed its minimal obligations the license will be relinquished.
Relinquished licenses can be re-attributed in next licensing rounds, or even kept as relinquished if the government believes there is little interest on that area for the petroleum exploration.