Pharmaceutical Association of Mauritius

The Pharmaceutical Association of Mauritius is a professional society serving pharmacists in Mauritius. It was founded by a group of pharmacists in 1979.


The goal of the association "is to meet members' needs, encourage personal and professional growth and provide information about events, issues and continuous education opportunities,, industrial news, and a wide variety of membership activities, and to ensure the well-care of patients".
The total number of association members is reaching 400 pharmacists out of Mauritius' population of nearly 1,300,000 inhabitants.


The Executive Committee of PAM is composed of 11 members who are elected at its Annual General Meeting, and is constituted as follows:
The pharmacy sector in Mauritius is regulated by two laws: the Pharmacy Act 1985 and the Dangerous Drugs Act 2000.
PAM works in close collaboration with the Pharmacy Board of the Mauritius Ministry Of Health and Quality of Life on different matters, such as The National Pharmacovigilence.
