Philadelpho Menezes

Philadelpho Menezes. Brazilian poet, visual poet, pioneer of new media poetry, professor in the Communication and Semiology post-graduation program at the Pontifical University of São Paulo. He performed research for his post-graduate degree at the University of Bologna, in Italy. With Brazilian artist Wilton Azevedo Philadepho Menezes created a pioneer intermedia-poetry CD-ROM: "InterPoesia. Poesia Hipermidia Interativa". In Italy he collaborated with the first net-poetry project:, by Italian artist Caterina Davinio.


His doctorate thesis was published under the title "The Crises of the Past: Modernity, Post-Modernity, Meta-Modernity." He published his first book of poems, "4 achados construídos" in 1980.
Other publications are:
He organized important cultural festivals about international experimental poetry, new media poetry, avant-gardes, such as: