Phillip Scott Burge

Phillip Scott Burge, was a First World War fighter pilot and flying ace. He was killed in action over France in 1918 after earning the Military Cross.

Early life

Burge was a student at Marlborough College before World War I. He joined the British Army early in the First World War, and won the Military Medal during mid-1916 while serving in the ranks. He transferred into, and was commissioned in, the Royal Flying Corps in 1917.

World War I

On 27 February 1917 Burge was commissioned as a probationary temporary second lieutenant, and was appointed as a flying officer on 24 May 1917. On 14 October, he was assigned to 64 Squadron as a Royal Aircraft Factory SE.5a pilot. He scored his first aerial victory on 23 March 1918, when he destroyed a Fokker Dr.I triplane fighter over Bourlon Wood. One week later, he and James Anderson Slater shared in the destruction of a German two-seater reconnaissance airplane over Croisilles, France. On 1 April, he destroyed an Albatros D.V fighter over Méricourt. Promotion from lieutenant to temporary captain while on flight status came on 20 April 1918.
On 3 May 1918, Burge shared in the destruction of a Rumpler reconnaissance aircraft over Mercatel. On 16 May, he scored twice in the same dogfight, destroying an Albatros D.V and driving another down out of control. On consecutive days, 20 and 21 May, he destroyed Halberstadt reconnaissance machines for victories seven and eight.
He would not score again until 19 July 1918, when he destroyed another Fokker triplane south of Lille. The next day, he, Edmund Tempest, and another pilot cooperated to ruin a Rumpler over Drocourt. On 22 July 1918, he won for the last time, destroying an Albatros D.V over Harnes. His final tally was six enemy airplanes destroyed solo, three more shared destructions, and two enemy fighter sent down out of control.
On 24 July 1918, Phillip Scott Burge was killed in action when his plane was set afire in midair. His conqueror is generally conceded to be Unteroffizier Marat Schumm of Jagdstaffel 52. Burge was interred in Dud Corner Cemetery in Loos, Pas-de-Calais, France.
On 16 September 1918, Burge's award of the Military Cross was gazetted. It read: