PRL research encompasses astrophysics, Solar System and cosmic radiation.
Astronomy and astrophysics: Current research programmes include studies on star formation, evolution of intermediate mass stars, photometric and polarimetric studies of active galaxies and BL Lac objects and high angular resolution studies by lunar occultations, study on circumstellar structure. The astronomical observations are taken through a 1.2 m telescope that is located in Mount Abu. The laboratory has also undertaken solar photospheric and chromospheric studies under the Global Oscillations Network Group project at Udaipur Solar Observatory. A 12 ft SPAR telescope is being used in this project.
Planetary sciences and Planex:study of planetary sciences and exploration
Planetary atmospheres and aeronomy: The institute has been recently investigating the electric and magnetic fields, plasma instabilities and the dynamics of the upper atmosphere are being carried out by elegant radio, optical and plasma diagnostic techniques. The role of trace gases in the chemical and radiative properties of the Earth's atmosphere and their impact on climate, ionization and electrodynamical parameters of the middle atmosphere are a few of the topics which are also being studied.
Theoretical physics: Current research programmes include neutrino physics, physics beyond standard model, standard and non-standard CP violation, Fermion masses, super-symmetry, baryogenesis, phenomenology of higher-dimensional theories, QCD and quark gluon plasma, colour superconductivity, chiral symmetry breaking, study of quantum chaos in nuclear energy levels, group theoretical models and nuclear structures, study of atomic Rydberg states, stark spectroscopy of atomic levels, stability analysis of synchronised structures in coupled map networks.
Quantum optics and quantum information: Production and characterisation of entangled states, cavity QED, realisation of quantum gates and networks, storage and retrieval of quantum information, subluminal and superluminal propagation of light, dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates and cold Fermions, non-commutative field theory, solitons, optical resonators and optical fibres are currently studied theoretically. Experimental study of optical vortices is also pursued.
The Physical Research Laboratory holds various seminars and public lectures. It has a workshop, computer centre, library and various other laboratories. It also offers a five-year doctoral programme in physics, with specialisations in theoretical physics and complex systems, outer space and atmospheric sciences, quantum optics and quantum information, astronomy and astrophysics. The admission is through a written test and interview.
National awards
The research institution offers national awards to scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the field of science and technology. The awards presented are: