Pickering High School, Ajax

Pickering High School is a Canadian high school located in Ajax, Ontario, within the Durham District School Board. Specifically, the school is found in historical Pickering Village, Ontario. The school has students in grades 9 to 12, and offers gifted and French immersion classes.


Pickering High School was ranked 222nd of 740 schools in a study of Ontario high schools in 2015/2016. It obtained an overall score of 7/10 in 2016, up from 6.5 in 2012 and 5.2/10 in 2009. Scores are based on academic performance of students on grade 9 mathematics and the OSSLT. In 2012, Pickering HS rose in rank for the last three years, having been ranked 528th overall in 2009. The study was conducted by the Fraser Institute, which conducts studies on educational policy across Canada.

Notable alumni

Pickering High has many former professional and former Olympic athletes as coaches:
In February 2009 the school was placed in lock down after a stabbing and ensuing motor vehicle accident occurred several blocks away, at a nearby park.

Feeder schools

Located in Ajax, Ontario
Located in Pickering, Ontario