
Picos is a municipality in the state of Piauí in the Northeast region of Brazil. Picos is the state's third-largest city, located in the south-central region of Piauí and is the most economically developed city in the region. The city's financial prosperity, combined with its geographical location, gives Picos a "commercial hub" status, especially for fuel and honey. As of 2010, the population was approximately 75,000.


According to data from INMET - National Institute of Meteorology, the city of Picos Piauí has average annual temperature of.


The population of the city of Picos is currently 73,414 inhabitants, and 58,307 in urban areas and 15,107 in rural areas, thus characterizing the third largest city from Piaui. It has a population density of 137.23 inhabitants / km ².

Neighborhoods and Villages


Villages include Coroatá, Fátima do Piauí, Gameleira dos Rodrigues, Lagoa Grande, Mirolândia, Morrinhos, Samambaia, Saquinho, Sipaúba, Tapera, Torrões e Val Paraíso and Lagoa Comprida.


Named neighborhoods include Aerolândia, Altamira, Aroeiras do Matadouro, Bairro de Fátima, Boa Sorte, Boa Vista, Bomba, Canto da Várzea, Catavento, Centro, Condurú, DNER, Ingazeira, Ipueiras, Jardim Natal, Junco, Malva, Morada do Sol, Morro da AABB, Pantanal, Vila do Flamengo, Paraibinha, Paroquial, Parque de Exposição, Passagem das Pedras, Pedrinhas, Pedro Brito, São José, São Sebastião, Trisidela andUmari e Unha de Gato.


The city is served by Sen. Helvídio Nunes Airport.



Public schools include E. Téc. Est. Petrônio Portela, Esc. Normal Official De Picos, U.E. Antonio Marques, U.E. Araújo Luz, U.E. Cel, Fco. Santos, U.E. Coelho Rodrigues, U.E. Dirceu Mendes Arcoverde, U.E. Jorge Leopoldo, U.E. José De Deus Barros, U.E. Julieta Neiva Nunes, U.E. Landri Sales, E. Pol. Marcos Parente, U.E. Mario Martins, U.E Miguel Lidiano, U.E. Ozildo Albano, U.E. Petrônio Portela, U.E. Poliv. Des. José Vidal Freitas, U.E. Teresinha Nunes, U.E. Urbano Eulálio Filho and Ceja José De Sousa Bispo.
Private schools include Colégio São Lucas, Colégio Decisão, Colégio Machado de Assis, Colégio Antares, Instituto Monsenhor Hipólito, Colégio Santa Rita, Instituto Nivardo Moura, Instituto Professor Augusto Rogério and CNA Idiomas language school franchise.

Colleges and Universities