Pietro degli Antonii

Pietro degli Antonii was an Italian composer.


Pietro degli Antonii, son of a trombonist, spent his entire life in Bologna where he was born and died and around 1670 became a member of the prestigious Accademia Filarmonica, of which he was elected chairman several times. He was also director of music in three important churches in his home town. With his brother and Giovanni Battista Vitali, he is regarded as an important representative of the after Maurizio Cazzati.
His main merit is his contribution to the development of the sonata da chiesa and the sonata da camera. His preference for slow, melodious movements based on singing is particularly noteworthy. Thus a trio sonata published in 1680 bears the movement names Largo - Lento - Grave - Lento - Grave. In addition to instrumental compositions, he created numerous cantatas.


Published music