
Pilu or Piloo is a raga of Hindustani classical music. It is mostly used in light-classical forms, like thumris.

Aroha and Avaroha


P 'N S g m P N S
N S G m P N S
S G m P D S
S R m P N S


S' N D P m G m P g R S 'N S
S' N S' D n D P m G m P G P m g R S 'N S

Some performances include shades of tivra MA

Vadi and Samavadi

G as vadi
N as samvadi

Pakad or Chalan

S g R g S R 'N S, G m n P g - S
S g R S 'N S 'N - 'P 'd 'P 'N S - g R g 'N S

Organization and relationships

Related ragas: Kirwani resembles an ancient kind of Pilu.
Thaat: Bhatkhande classified Pilu in the Kafi thaat).

''Samay'' (time)

Third part of the day


Often related to the monsoon season. Mostly this raag is popular in the occasion of Hindu festival "Holi" as also known as Raga of colors due to smpoorna jaati and blissful nature.


Cheerful, Joyous, Alegre, moving. are synonymical expressions.


Historical information


Important recordings

Language:Tamil">Tamil language">Tamil