Pilu, Arad

Pilu is a commune in Arad County, Romania, is situated on the Criș Plateau, in the north-western part of the county, at the western border of Romania. The commune stretches over 7177 ha and is composed of two villages, Pilu and Vărșand.


According to the last census the population of the commune counts 1976 inhabitants, out of which
84.0% are Romanians, 7.5% Hungarians, 8.0% Roma and 0.5% are of other or undeclared nationalities.


Although the traces of inhabitance on this place are very old, traces from the Bronze Age having been found in Vârșand, Pilu was first mentioned in documents in 1283, while Vărşand in 1214.


The commune's present-day economy can be characterized by a powerful dynamic force with significant developments in
all the sectors. Vârșand is a significant railway frontier crossing point.


Situated on a plateau, the natural touristic fond of the commune is not abundant in spectacular sights. Its most important
touristic places are the Crișul Alb Valley and the Morilor Ditch.