Piotr Waglowski

Piotr Waglowski, known online as VaGla, is a Polish lawyer, poet, publicist and webmaster, open government activist, researcher of communication processes in the paradigm of social constructionism.

Academic activity and teaching

Waglowski specialised in the legal aspects of the information society and the legal analysis of the Internet-based projects. A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, he dedicated his Master's thesis to the subject of infringement of personality rights on the Internet and their civil law protection based on the Civil Code. He studied at the doctoral level at the Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, currently working on his PhD dissertation. His teaching experience is dedicated mostly to media education. He has taught at the :pl:Uczelnia Łazarskiego|Lazarski University in Warsaw, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, and at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Studies of University of Warsaw.

Public and social services

Waglowski is recognized as one of the :pl:Wikipedia:Twórcy Polskiej Wikipedii|first Wikipedians in Poland. In 1995, he founded the first Polish-language electronic mailing list on law, known as "prawo@plearn.bitnet". Two years later, he started his private Internet service , dedicated to the legal aspects of the information society
Waglowski was a founding member of the :pl:Internet Society Poland|Internet Society Poland. From 2001-06, he was a member of the board of the Society. He has authored numerous articles on the legal aspects of the information society. In 2005 he has published book "Prawo w sieci. Zarys regulacji internetu", which was one of the first publications on this subject in Poland. Since December 2006 he has served in the Program Council of the bi-monthly magazine Elektroniczna administracja. He is a member of the Program Council of the quarterly , and a columnist for the monthly magazine IT w administracji.
Together with :pl:Jarosław Lipszyc|Jarosław Lipszyc he initiated the celebration of the Public Domain Day in Poland, which has been celebrated for the first time in 2007.
On 14 August 2006, Deputy Prime Minister Ludwik Dorn appointed Waglowski for the member of the :pl:Rada Informatyzacji|Informatization Council. On 23 March 2007 he was nominated for membership in the Council of :pl:Polska Izba Informatyki i Telekomunikacji|Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunication.
Since 2009 he has served as a member of the Program Council of the From March 2012 until February 2013 he worked with as Policy Director.

Awards and prizes