Plague (1979 film)

Plague is a 1979 Canadian-American science fiction film about a genetic engineering accident, a fertilizing bacterium that escapes from a laboratory in Canada. The film is also known internationally as Induced Syndrome, M-3: The Gemini Strain or Mutation.


A deadly bacteria called M3 is released and causes sickness and death around the world. A scientist works tirelessly to develop an antidote to stop the contagion.


The film was released theatrically in the United States by Group 1 International Distribution Organization Ltd. in January 1979.
The film was released on DVD in the United Kingdom from Prism Leisure Corporation as part of a 4-film collection on October 7, 2002. It was also release individually from Prism Leisure, and by Digital Entertainment Ltd in 2008. As of 2018, the film has still not been officially released on DVD in the United States.