Planalto do Turvo Environmental Protection Area

The Planalto do Turvo Environmental Protection Area is an environmental protection area in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.


The Planalto do Turvo Environmental Protection Area is divided between the municipalities of Barra do Turvo and Cajati in the state of São Paulo.
It has an area of.
It is in the Atlantic Forest biome.
About 40% of the APA is covered by dense and mixed rainforest in various stages of succession.


The Planalto do Turvo Environmental Protection Area was created by state law 12.810 of 21 February 2008.
This law broke up the old Jacupiranga State Park and created the Jacupiranga Mosaic with 14 conservation units.


There are 374 families resident in the APA, mostly migrants from other regions but some long-established.
The soil is relatively infertile, and the main economic activity is raising cattle for beef and milk.
There is some infrastructure along highway BR-116 such as small businesses, a school and a health center.