Planet Unicorn

Planet Unicorn is an American computer-animated cartoon series created by Mike Rose and Tyler Spiers for the webseries screening contest Channel 101. The fictional stories revolve around three talking unicorns - Feathers, Cadillac, and Tom Cruise - who were created by an 8-year-old gay boy named Shannon.


Major CharactersPlayed by
ShannonMike Rose
FeathersDrew Droege
CadillacMike Rose
Tom CruiseTyler Spiers

Minor CharactersPlayed by
Crybaby TrollTyler Spiers
The RockTyler Spiers
DebbieTyler Spiers
The OceanTyler Spiers
The FrogDrew Droege
The FlowerBennie Arthur

Episode list

The series is a production for Channel 101, where it lasted six episodes before being cancelled by the live audience, and was also distributed through MySpace.
The show has been featured on NPR's Day to Day show, in Out, Time Out New York, and was named as one of New York's 20 Funniest Web Videos of 2007. The creators have also been interviewed on Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld. The show received the 2008 "OMFG Internet" award from the Logo Channel.