Platform for the Unity of Action

The Platform for the Unity of Action was an independentist organisation active between 1995 and 2000. The PUA was created by ex-members of People's Unity Assembly, the Maulets, different local political organisations and Catalunya Lliure. One of the main reasons the PUA was formed was to oppose the approaching of a sector of the Catalan independentist left to the Republican Left of Catalonia.
The following years the PUA experienced a big growth, based on local groups, formed mostly by young people, and participated in the social movements of the late 90s, like the movement against temporary employment or the Okupa.
In 2000 the organisation considered that its organisational model was becoming obsolete, and that there was a need of establishing more solid and appropriate organisational structures. Therefore, in June 2000, the PUA dissolved itself and formed Endavant.