Pleasant View Christian School

Pleasant View Christian School is a private Christian school in Pleasant View, Tennessee. It is of Free Will Baptist affiliation. In 2007, it had 481 students from pre-kindergarten to twelfth grade, and had 22 teachers.

Early history

Pleasant View Christian School was founded in 1978, and held its first classes at Good Springs Free Will Baptist Church in Pleasant View, Tennessee. In 1982, Pleasant View Christian moved to its current location at 160 Hicks Edgen Road. In 1985, the high school wing of the building was added. The original mascot was the Patriots, but it was changed to the Warriors in the mid-1980s.


PVCS is fully accredited by the Tennessee Association of Christian Schools which is affiliated with the Tennessee Department of Education.

Dual enrollment

PVCS offers dual enrollment classes currently offered through Welch College, Nashville, TN.


In 2013, the 22 graduates earned almost $700,000 in college scholarships.


In 2003, former administrator Wayne Patton left the school. Wayne Patton was replaced by Stephen Parks, M.Ed., until the end of the school year. In 2004, Dr. Ken Riggs, Ph.D., became Pleasant View Christian School's administrator. In 2011, Dr. Seldon Buck became the school's administrator until Rusty Campbell took over in 2016.

School board

The 10 school board members are elected to alternating terms each year by the corporate board of the Northern Quarterly of the Cumberland Association of Free Will Baptists.
During the 2006-2007 school year, the enrollment grew to about 500 students making the addition of three portable buildings and new teachers necessary.


Pleasant View Christian's Warrior athletic teams compete in the Tennessee Athletic Association of Christian Schools. The school fields teams in football, volleyball, boys and girls varsity and JV basketball, baseball, softball, and boys and girls soccer.