Plesetsk Cosmodrome Site 132

Site 132, also known as Chusovaya, is a launch complex at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Russia, used by Kosmos carrier rockets. It consists of two launch pads: Site 132/1, which is active, and Site 132/2, which is not.
The first launch from Site 132/1 was conducted on either 15 May or 26 June 1967, with the first known launch from Site 132/2 following on 26 June. The last launch from Site 132/2 occurred on 25 April 1990. Both pads were used by the same two rockets, the Kosmos-3 and Kosmos-3M. Although most Kosmos-3M launches have been conducted from Site 132, several early tests were conducted from Site 131; however, it is not known which ones, or how many. Some launches were also conducted from Site 133.