Plot for Peace

Plot For Peace is a 2013 South African documentary directed by Carlos Agulló and Mandy Jacobson.
The film tells the story of Algerian-born French businessman Jean-Yves Ollivier's involvement in Cold War-era African parallel diplomacy, the signing of the 1988 Brazzaville Protocol and discussions surrounding the eventual release of Nelson Mandela. Using archive footage from apartheid-era South Africa alongside interviews from Winnie Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Denis Sassou-Nguesso and Mathews Phosa, Ollivier is revealed as a key architect of the withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola and a 1987 prisoner-exchange programme involving six African nations.


The film follows the role of Jean-Yves Ollivier, a prominent French businessman, in negotiating the end of the South African Border War and subsequently, the transition to multiracial democracy in South Africa.
