
Plotly is a technical computing company headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, that develops online data analytics and visualization tools. Plotly provides online graphing, analytics, and statistics tools for individuals and collaboration, as well as scientific graphing libraries for Python, R, MATLAB, Perl, Julia, Arduino, and REST.


Plotly was founded by Alex Johnson, Jack Parmer, Chris Parmer, and Matthew Sundquist.
The founders' backgrounds are in science, energy, and data analysis and visualization. Early employees include Christophe Viau, a Canadian software engineer and Ben Postlethwaite, a Canadian geophysicist. Plotly was named one of the Top 20 Hottest Innovative Companies in Canada by the Canadian Innovation Exchange. Plotly was featured in "startup row" at PyCon 2013, and sponsored the SciPy 2018 conference.
Plotly raised $5.5 million during its Series A funding, led by MHS Capital, Siemens Venture Capital, Rho Ventures, Real Ventures, and Silicon Valley Bank.
The Boston Globe and Washington Post newsrooms have produced data journalism using Plotly.


Plotly's main products include:


Expose plotly dash apps as Django tags. Multiple Dash apps can then be embedded into a single web page, persist and share internal state, and also have access to the current user and session variables.


Plotly was built using Python and the Django framework, with a front end using JavaScript and the visualization library D3.js, HTML and CSS. Files are hosted on Amazon S3.