Pls Like

Pls Like is a BBC television satirical mockumentary, produced by Left Bank Pictures and screened on BBC Three online in 2017, with a second series following in 2018. The first series starred Liam Williams as himself, in a quest to be a successful YouTube vlogger.
Series 1 and 2 consists of six episodes each. Episodes length varies between 15 and 18 minutes.


Tristram Fane Saunders of The Daily Telegraph said the first series was "impeccably cast, sharply observed." Hannah J Davies of The Guardian said: "it puts a mirror up to the fads and controversies of the day, whether that’s ASMR or the alt-right, and explores their potential for laughs and pathos"
IMDB, an online webpage that rates audiovisual content, gives “Pls Like” 7 stars out of 10.
Pls Like was nominated for Best Short Form Programme at the 2018 British Academy Television Awards and was shortlisted for Best Digital Fiction Series at the Banff World Media Festival in Canada.