Plus fours

Plus fours are breeches or trousers that extend 4 inches below the knee. Knickerbockers have been traditionally associated with sporting attire since the 1860s. Plus fours were introduced in the 1920s and became popular among sportsmen--particularly golfers and game shooters--as they allowed more freedom of movement than knickerbockers.
An "extravagant, careless style that fit right in with the looser fashions and lifestyles of the 1920s," plus fours were introduced to America by Edward, Prince of Wales during a trip in 1924.
They were later brought back to prominence by the professional golfer Payne Stewart who wore them on the PGA Tour.
In 2008, plus fours were featured in André Benjamin's Benjamin Bixby clothing line, which was based on clothing worn by Ivy League athletes in the 1930s.
Less known are plus twos, plus sixes, and plus eights, of similar definitions, but varying volumes.
In Nabokov's King, Queen, Knave, while his lover is dying of pneumonia in a nearby hospital attended by her husband, Franz busies himself arranging to buy a pair of plus fours, a long-deferred dream.
Tintin, the comic book character from The Adventures of Tintin, famously wears plus fours.