Podi Patharakari

Podi Patharakari also known as Preethiwa is a fictional character portrayed by Michelle Dilhara, from the television drama series Salsapuna broadcast by television network Sirasa TV and directed by Nalan Mendis.


The character Podi Patharakari was introduced by the director Nalan Mendis in the 250th episode of the teledrama Salsapuna. Podipathara Kari, also known as Preethiwa, is a teenage wealthy girl who completed her higher studies in London. Her father is a corrupt government minister. Due to the problematic environment in her house she decides to leave her wealthy life behind and begins to live a simple life as a journalist with the intention of fighting against injustice. According to the producer Sandya Mendis, in several instances in the teledrama, Podi Paththarakari is described as a bit arrogant and opinionated in order to establish her character as a social justice warrior. Because of her craving passion of becoming a journalist, she ends up learning Professional Journalism from Narmada together with Nilhan. Preethiwa and Nilhan are then depicted as soulmates who face many life challenges together.