Polish studies

Polish studies, or Polonistics is the field of humanities that researches, documents and disseminates the Polish language and Polish literature in both historic and present-day forms.
In the United States, students taking Polish studies majors focus on the nation, current and historical inhabitants of Polish lands, both current and historical, and instruction includes a wide range of and humanities, such as culture, politics, and economics.
Academic activities in Polish Studies include conferences, workshops, and book publications by scholars who work and teach on Polish history, culture, art, and politics. The Polish Studies Association is part of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies and facilitates "the exchange of academic information regarding Polish history, culture, arts, politics, economics, and contemporary affairs, and seeks to enhance contacts between Polish and Western Affairs."
The Departments of Polish Studies exist in all major universities across Poland, and in many academic institutions across the world. They offer students a range of academic programmes with Bachelor and Masters' degrees in the field.

University programs

Some of the Polish Studies programs at U.S. universities include: