Political Asylum (2011 film)

"Political Asylum" is a short film created by Giacomo Mantovani in 2011. The production was completed in 12 26 days by a cast and crew of 7 people, on location in the central London. The short garnered its first award at the 242 Movie TV contest "Creativi per Costituzione", which was about


The short film is based on the 10th article of the Italian Constitution, which is about the Right of asylum:
Art. 10
The Italian legal system conforms to the generally recognised rules of international law.
The legal status of foreigners is regulated by law in conformity with international rules and treaties. Foreigners who are, in their own Country, denied the actual exercise of those democratic freedoms guaranteed by the Italian Constitution, are entitled to the right of asylum in the Republic, under conditions provided by law. Foreigners may not be extradited for political offences.


Chased by the police, the mysterious Julian makes its way through the streets of the metropolis, frantically looking for the Italian Embassy.

Cast and crew