Political Council for the Iraqi Resistance

Political Council for the Iraqi Resistance, or the Political Council of Iraqi Resistance, is an Iraqi insurgent political coalition of six major Sunni militant groups operating inside Iraq. The formation of the umbrella organization was announced on October 11, 2007 by a group spokesman in a speech broadcast on the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera. The announcement was also published on several jihadist websites. The council's formation is unique in that it is one of the first times Iraq's Sunni insurgent groups have united in an attempt to form a political faction as opposed to a strictly militant one.

Member groups

The Political Council for the Iraqi Resistance is made up of the three members of the previously announced Jihad and Reform Front along with two other known groups:
In its formation statement, the PCIR described itself as a "political program to liberate Iraq" and laid out a 14-point mission statement as a way of achieving its goals: