Polly Pocket (TV series)

Polly Pocket is a Canadian-American animated television series produced for Family Channel by Mattel, with WildBrain animating the series. The series, based on the doll of the same name, features a young girl called Polly who has a magical locket that allows her and her friends to shrink down to a tiny size.
The series premiered on Family Channel in Canada on July 8, 2018.
Additional broadcasters are: Nine Network in Australia, POP in United Kingdom, RTL Telekids in Netherlands, Kidzone TV in Baltics, Lagardère's Gulli and Tiji in France, Gulli in Africa, Gulli Girl in Russia, TeleTOON+ in Poland, AMC Minimax in Eastern Europe, Vtmkzoom in Belgium, Canal Panda in Portugal, Turner in, Star Channel in Greece, KidZ in Israel, SABC in South Africa and Discovery Kids in Latin America. On June 13, 2019, it was renewed for a second season and the episodes will now be 11-minutes long instead of 22 minutes and the series aired on Universal Kids on July 1, 2019.



Season 1 (2018)

Season 2 (2020)