Pope Gabriel IV of Alexandria

Pope Gabriel IV of Alexandria, 86th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark.
Pope Gabriel IV was previously the abbot of the Moharrak Monastery. He was known to be a great scholar and righteous ascetic. He was enthroned on 11 Tobi, 1086 A.M. During his papacy, in the year 1370 AD, a great light appeared in Egypt during the night and lingered until dawn. In 1371 AD, there was a great flood in the Nile, which threatened Egypt.
In the year 1374 AD, Pope Gabriel IV consecrated the Chrismation Oil.
Gabriel IV was contemporary of Al-Ashraf Nasir-ad-Din Shaban II and Al-Mansur Alah-ad-Din Ali, the Bahri sultans. He sat on the throne of Saint Mark for 8 years, 3 months, and 22 days. He died on 3 Pashons, 1094 A.M., and was buried next to Saint Simon the Tanner.