Port-au-peck, New Jersey

Port-au-peck is an unincorporated community located within Oceanport in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States. The name Port-Au-Peck comes from the Lenape name Pootapeck. The land was "sold" to English interests in 1670; however, it is unclear how fair this land transfer was or if the local residents were aware they were giving away their hunting and fishing rights in the transfer.


Port-au-peck covers, approximately half of Oceanport. It is the area north-north-east of the New Jersey Transit Monmouth Park line. It forms a peninsula jutting into the Shrewsbury River and is formed in the shape of a mitten or to some a fox.


While no specific data is taken for Port-au-peck the neighborhood would be considered by most to be middle class to upper-middle class and is mostly, almost 100% white. Port-au-peck is higher income and more residential than the Eatontown side of Oceanport proper.

ZIP Code

Port-au-peck uses the same ZIP Code as Oceanport, which has only one post office. Because of this Port-au-peck has been somewhat forgotten in the past years. Few residents in Oceanport use Port-au-peck as a mailing address.