Port Talbot (electoral ward)

The electoral ward of Port Talbot in Neath Port Talbot county borough covers the town centre of Port Talbot and the district of Pen-y-cae. The rest of the ward to the east consists of grassland and woodland. The electoral ward is coterminous with the Port Talbot community boundaries.
Port Talbot is bounded by the wards of Baglan and Bryn and Cwmavon to the north; Taibach and Margam to the south; and Aberavon to the west and falls within the parliamentary constituency of Aberavon.

Local council elections

In the 2012 local council elections, the electorate turnout was 34.92%. The results were: Cllr Rahaman became Neath Port Talbot's first Asian councillor.
Ian JamesLabour831Labour hold
Dennis KeoghLabour782Labour hold
Saifur RahamanLabour707Labour gain
Andrew TuttonNPT Independent Party592
Marge JonesNPT Independent Party528
Stephen GriffithsNPT Independent Party479
Keith MillerConservative107

2017 Local Council Elections
It was announced that for the 2017 Local Council Elections only three nominations were received in the ward. These were the current councillors Dennis Keogh, Saifur Rahaman and Sharon Freegaurd. This meant that no election was held and the three candidates became the councillors of the Port Talbot ward without contest.