Powderhorn Wilderness

The Powderhorn Wilderness is a wilderness area in Hinsdale and Gunnison Counties, Colorado, USA, located northeast of Lake City. Most of the northern part of the area,, about 77.5%, is located on Bureau of Land Management land and its southern portion,, about 22.5%, is located within the Gunnison National Forest.
The Powderhorn is an important watershed for the Gunnison River. The area protects the East, Middle, and West forks of Powderhorn Creek, which merge and then have a confluence with Cebolla Creek. Calf Creek, which is on National Forest land flows south and eventually joins the Lake Fork Gunnison River that also flows into the Gunnison via Lake City. Within the area there are numerous small lakes and beaver ponds. The largest of these are Devil's Lake and Powderhorn Lake.
Much of the area sits above timberline at and it is recognized as one of the largest expanses of tundra in the continental United States. The lower portions of the area are characterized by large stands of ponderosa pine and groves of aspen and sagebrush.
In the area's southwest corner is Cannibal Plateau where Alferd Packer and his party became lost in the winter of 1874. Packer ate his four companions to survive.