
Pradyot was the founder of the Pradyota dynasty and a ruler of Avanti. His father was Punika or Pulika, a minister in Ujjain, who is said to have killed the ruler and appointed Pradyota as king. He is said to have ruled for around 23 years. Pradyota is mentioned in Mahavagga, a Buddhist text, as a great soldier.
Pradyota was a relative of Chetaka through matrimonial alliance.. When he was ill, Chetaka's son-in-law, king Bimbisara of Magadha sent his physician, Jīvaka, to cure him, but his relations with Bimbisara's son and successor Ajatashatru were not good. Jain legends mention him being defeated by Abhaya, the prince of Rājagṛha, when he attacked Magadha.
He is said to have engaged in war with Pushkarasarin of Taxila. He is said to have attacked Udayana of Vatsa and to have established matrimonial relations with him, and also had matrimonial alliances with Surasenas of Mathura. He had a younger brother Kumarasena, and Gopala and Palaka were his two sons.
