Prancer Returns

Prancer Returns is a 2001 film and a direct-to-video sequel to the 1989 film Prancer.


Preteen siblings from a broken marriage live with their mother, Denise, in a rural town called Three Oaks in Michigan. Ryan, the oldest, wants to go live with their babysitter, Abi, in Detroit. This confuses shy Charlie, the youngest, who is also the butt of bigger school kids' often mean pranks. Then he finds two reindeer on his way home from school which he believes to be Santa's called Prancer and his son and heir, also called Prancer, which he tries to hide at home. Ryan's help bonds him and Charlie again. Alas, when Prancer gets out, evil vice-principal Jamie is bitten and wants him put down. Charlie runs away with his protégé. Denise is useless, but her ex-friend, handyman Jimmy, comes to Charlie's rescue.


On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has 2 reviews listed, both are positive.