Premio Bancarella

The Premio Bancarella is an Italian literary prize established in 1953; it is given in Pontremoli every year, the last Saturday or the last Sunday in July.
At first, six books are selected and award the Premio Selezione Bancarella, then the booksellers establish the winner with their vote. The awarding of the prize take place in the last evening.
At present, Premio Bancarella is at the 54th edition.

List of winners

Premio Bancarella della Cucina

The Premio Bancarella della Cucina, inaugurated in 2006, is awarded by the Fondazione Città del Libro together with the Accademia Italiana della Cucina and is intended to promote the gastronomic traditions and heritage of Italy.,
2006Ida Li Vigni e Paolo Aldo RossiGola. Mater amatissimaDe Ferrari
2007Elena KostioukovitchPerche agli Italiani piace parlare del ciboSperlig & Kupfer
2008June Di Schino and Furio LuccichentiIl cuoco segreto dei papiGangemi
2009Luisella CerettaLe donne e la cucina del ventennioSusa Libri
2010Marino MariniLa GolaFood Editore
2011Ito OgawaIl ristorante dell’amore ritrovatoNeri Pozza
2012Adriano Ravera and Elma SchenaA tavola nel RisorgimentoPriuli & Verlucca

Other prizes

Other prizes assigned in Pontremoli together with Bancarella are: Premio Bancarellino and Premio Bancarella Sport.