Presbyterian Church of Korea (TongHap)

The Presbyterian Church of Korea is a mainline Protestant denomination based in South Korea; it currently has the second largest membership of any Presbyterian denomination in the world. It is affiliated with its daughter denomination, the Korean Presbyterian Church in America in the United States, which adopted the "Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad" as its new name in 2009.
Presbyterianism in Korea was reconstructed after World War II in 1947. The church adopted the name the Reformed Church in Korea. In the 1950s the church suffered tensions because the issues of theology, ecumenism and worship. In 1959 Presbyterian Church of Korea broke into two equal sections. This church and The Presbyterian Church in Korea church separated. In 1984 the church celebrated the 100th anniversary of Presbyterianism in Korea. The church is an ecumenical denomination. Membership is about 2.1 million and has 6,000 congregations in 56 presbyteries in 2004.
The denomination is a member of the World Communion of Reformed Churches and World Council of Churches.
The Apostles Creed and the Westminster Confession are the official recognised confessions.
According to the World Council of Churches there are 2.85 million members in 8,200 congregations.