President of Welsh Tribunals

The President of Welsh Tribunals is a senior judge in the United Kingdom who presides over the Welsh tribunal system. The position was established by the Wales Act 2017 and is the first senior judicial role relating solely to Wales. The President of the Welsh Tribunals is not a devolved subject matter, however the Senedd may create additional Welsh tribunals.
The President of Welsh Tribunals is appointed by the Lord Chief Justice after consultation with the Welsh Ministers and Lord Chancellor, if no agreement is met then the recruitment may be referred to the Judicial Appointments Commission. The President of the Welsh Tribunals must satisfy the judicial-appointment eligibility condition on a seven-year basis. The President must have regard to the need for the following:
The Welsh Tribunals which fall under the President's remit are:
The President of Welsh Tribunals can make representations to the Senedd and Welsh Ministers about tribunal members and the administration of justice by tribunals.

List of Presidents