Preston Pig

Preston Pig is an animated children's television series which aired on CITV. It was based on a series of books, published by Colin McNaughton. It was shown at weekdays from 3pm until 3:15pm, on the television channel shown in Britain, CITV. However, since 2011, it no longer airs on CITV. The show officially went into production in March 1999, to air in September 2000.


Voice Cast

The music was composed by Keith Hopwood.

Home Media

Preston Pig was released on VHS in the United Kingdom in 2000 in Australia, these video tape releases are called Pig School and Ham of the Match, and then on DVD in the United Kingdom. The DVD release of Preston Pig is called Football Champion.


Preston Pig aired on CITV in the United Kingdom. However, the programme itself no longer airs on CITV, but can apparently be found on DVD, VHS and online.