Pretty Face is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Kano. The story revolves around a high school boy who suffers an accident and having his face reconstructed in the form of his crush, attempts to impersonate a girl whom his crush mistakes for her twin sister. It was first serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump by Shueisha between May 2002 and June 2003, finally coming to an end at chapter fifty-two. For North America Viz Media acquired the rights to release an English translation of the series.
Pretty Face is a romantic comedy that involves a variety of different characters. The main protagonist is Masashi Rando, a high school student and karate expert who harbors an unconfessed love for a fellow student, Rina Kurimi. One day, while returning home from a karate tournament in Hokkaidō, he is involved in a tragic school bus accident and burned beyond recognition. One year later, Masashi awakes from a coma to find that he's been in the care of a talented surgeon named Jun Manabe. Masashi finds out his disfigured face had been reconstructed in the image of the girl he has a crush on. Not knowing what Masashi originally looked like, Dr. Manabe used a photo in Masashi's pocket as the model for his reconstructive surgery. Afterwards, Masashi finds out that during his year long coma, he was mistakenly pronounced deceased, his parents moved away, and even his house was demolished. Once he has realized his old life is now gone, he breaks down in complete despair on the sidewalk in front of the empty lot that was his former household. On his way back to Manabe's clinic, he runs into Rina by chance, and is mistaken for her missing twin sister, Yuna. After Rina takes him back to her house and presents him as Yuna, he lies about having amnesia in order not to arouse any sudden suspicions. Masashi wants Jun to change his face back to the way it was but has no picture of himself to help. He does get a picture of himself eventually but later, after seeing how much pain Rina experienced during the time her sister was gone, Masashi decides to impersonate Yuna for the time being until he can find the real Yuna and bring her back to the Kurimi family.
Main characters
;Masashi Rando ;Rina Kurimi ;Yuna Kurimi ;Dr. Jun Manabe
Pretty Face was serialized in the manga magazineWeekly Shōnen Jump from 2002 to 2003. The fifty-two individual chapters and one extra chapter were collected into six tankōbon volumes.The first volume was released on October 4, 2002 and the last one on November 4, 2003. In North America, the manga was licensed by Viz Media in February 2007. The volumes were published between August 7, 2007 and June 3, 2008.