
privacyIDEA is a Two Factor Authentication System which is multi-tenency- and multi-instance-capable.
It is opensource, written in Python and hosted at GitHub.

Fields of use

privacyIDEA provides an authentication backend for various kinds of applications. Thus it is meant to replace classical proprietary Two Factor Authentication systems such as RSA SecurID or Vasco.
It supports Single sign-on via SAML.
It is also possible to login with a second factor to Windows desktops using a privacyIDEA Credential Provider.


privacyIDEA is running on-premises as a web application on a Linux system.
It can be set up quickly and easily.
It can run on Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat and also as App from the AppCenter on the Univention Corporate Server.

Authentication devices

privacyIDEA supports a wide variety of authentication devices.
Amongst those are hardware tokens like Feitian C200, the Yubikey by Yubico or other U2F devices. Also many smartphone apps compliant to HOTP and TOTP like the Google Authenticator are supported.