Private Eyes is a Canadian comedy-dramatelevision series inspired by the novel of the same name by G.B. Joyce, created by Tim Kilby and Shelley Eriksen starring Jason Priestley and Cindy Sampson as the two protagonist private investigators solving crimes in Toronto. In Canada, the series first season of ten episodes premiered on May 26, 2016 on Global. Seasons two and three were shown in Canada each summer from 2017 to 2019. In the United States, the series premiered on February 11, 2018 on Ion Television.
Jason Priestley as Matthew Kevin "Matt" Shade, a hockey player turned private investigator.
Cindy Sampson as Angela Susan "Angie" Everett, Shade's feisty boss and later P.I. agency partner at Everett Investigations. She inherited the agency after the death of her father.
Barry Flatman as Don Shade, Matt's father, a retired electrician who now owns the Red Bird Diner.
Jordyn Negri as Juliet "Jules" Shade, Matt's visually impaired daughter.
Ennis Esmer as Detective Kurtis "Maz" Mazhari, an old friend of Angie's who often helps her and Matt in their investigations.
Nicole de Boer as Becca D'Orsay, Matt's ex-wife and host of a TV breakfast show.
Jonny Gray as Liam Benson, Jules' boyfriend.
Bree Williamson as Melanie Parker, a Crown prosecutor who hired Angie and Matt in the episode "The P.I. Code" to investigate jury tampering, later started dating Matt until the episode "Getaway With Murder."
Mark Ghanimé as Dr. Ken Graham, Angie's ex-fiancé who appeared in the episode "Between a Doc and a Hard Place." They start dating again at the end of the episode and Angie finds Ken's engagement ring, discovering his plans to propose to her, but keeps this secret to herself. He officially proposes to her in the episode "Getaway With Murder," but she turns him down.
Samantha Wan as Zoe Chow, a former client whom Angie hires as a secretary.
Sharnon Lewis as Shona Clement, former owner of the Red Bird Diner.
Colin Ferguson as Dominic Chambers a con man who worked with Dana to distract Matt by pretending to be the brother of an old teammate while Dana uses Angie.
A second season was confirmed and production started in fall 2016 in Toronto. On March 27, 2017, Ion Television picked up the exclusive rights to broadcast the series in the United States, where it is presented as an original series for the network, airing new episodes Tuesday nights with a rebroadcast episode on Sunday nights. The first half of the second season premiered in Canada on May 25, 2017 and concluded on July 20, 2017. The second half premiered on May 27, 2018 and concluded on July 29, 2018. On September 21, 2017, Global ordered a 12-episode third season set to start airing in spring 2019. On May 30, 2019, the day after season three premiered, Global renewed the series for a 12-episode fourth season to air in summer 2020. Production on the fourth season began in July 2019.
Throughout the series Shade drives an iconic 1969 Porsche 911T silver that helps set a distinctive tone to Shade's character and the show. The car has a personalized license plateSHADE 17.