Professional Football Sports Association

The Asociación Deportiva de Fútbol Profesional, commonly known as the ADFP, is a Peruvian football governing body that organizes the Primera División. The association is formed by the current 16 clubs competing in the first division.
The first governing body to congregate football clubs in Peru was the Liga Peruana de Football which was founded on 12 May 1912. The league organized its first season in 1912 with 16 clubs from Lima divided into two divisions but was discontinued after the end of the 1921 season.
The first division was subsequently organized by the Peruvian Football Federation in 1926 which was founded in 1922 and became a member of CONMEBOL in 1925. Starting in 1941, the organization of the Primera División was passed from the Peruvian Football Federation to the newly formed Asociación No Amateur. This organization was replaced by the Asociación Central de Fútbol in 1951 when the Primera División became a professional league. Finally, in 1962, the ADFP succeeded the Asociación Central de Fútbol as the organizing body of the first division.

List of Peruvian football champions

Peruvian football had amateur status since its foundation until 1950. In the course of this era, Alianza Lima, Atlético Chalaco, Municipal, Sport Boys, and Universitario de Deportes shared the most titles. The first run from 1912 to 1921 featured clubs only from Lima under the Liga Peruana de Football. In 1926 and 1927 two unofficial tournaments were played. In 1928 the first championship official expanded to Callao under the Peruvian Football Federation. In 1936 no tournament took place, however an unofficial tournament were played, where Universitario and Alianza Lima were champion and runner-up respectively.

Amateur league (1912–1950)

Peruvian football had amateur status since its foundation until 1950. In the course of this era, Alianza Lima, Atlético Chalaco, Municipal, Sport Boys, and Universitario de Deportes shared the most titles. The first run from 1912 to 1921 featured clubs only from Lima under the Liga Peruana de Football. In 1926 and 1927 two unofficial tournaments were played. In 1928 the first championship official expanded to Callao under the Peruvian Football Federation. In 1936 no tournament took place, however an unofficial tournament were played, where Universitario and Alianza Lima were champion and runner-up respectively.

Professional league (1951–present)

In 1951 the league obtained professional status and in 1966 expanded the league to the entire nation, beginning the Descentralizado.
SeasonChampionRunners-upThird placeTop scorerTop scorer's clubGoals
1951Sport BoysMunicipalMariscal SucreValeriano LopezSport Boys31
1952Alianza LimaSport BoysSporting TabacoEmilio SalinasAlianza Lima22
1953Mariscal SucreAlianza LimaSporting TabacoGualberto BlancoAtlético Chalaco17
1954Alianza LimaSporting TabacoUniversitarioVicente VillanuevaSporting Tabaco14
1955Alianza LimaUniversitarioCentro IqueñoMaximo MosqueraAlianza Lima11
1956Sporting CristalAlianza LimaMunicipalDaniel RuizUniversitario16
1957Centro IqueñoAtlético ChalacoAlianza LimaDaniel RuizUniversitario20
1958Sport BoysAtlético ChalacoMariscal CastillaJuan JoyaAlianza Lima17
1959UniversitarioSport BoysCentro IqueñoDaniel RuizUniversitario28
1960UniversitarioSport BoysSporting CristalFernando OlaecheaCentro Iqueño18
1961Sporting CristalAlianza LimaCentro IqueñoAlberto GallardoSporting Cristal18
1962Alianza LimaSporting CristalUniversitarioAlberto GallardoSporting Cristal22
1963Alianza LimaSporting CristalUniversitarioPedro Pablo LeonAlianza Lima13
1964UniversitarioAlianza LimaMunicipalÁngel UribeUniversitario15
1965Alianza LimaUniversitarioDefensor AricaCarlos UrranagaDefensor Lima16
1966UniversitarioSport BoysAlianza LimaTeófilo CubillasAlianza Lima19
1967UniversitarioSporting CristalAlianza LimaPedro Pablo LeonAlianza Lima14
1968Sporting CristalJuan AurichAlianza LimaOswaldo RamírezSport Boys26
1969UniversitarioDefensor AricaMunicipalJaime MorenoMunicipal15
1970Sporting CristalUniversitarioDefensor AricaTeófilo CubillasAlianza Lima22
1971UniversitarioAlianza LimaDefensor LimaManuel MellanMunicipal25
1972Sporting CristalUniversitarioMunicipalFrancisco GonzálezDefensor Lima20
1973Defensor LimaSporting CristalUniversitarioFrancisco GonzálezDefensor Lima25
1974UniversitarioUnión HuaralDefensor LimaPablo MuchotrigoCienciano32
1975Alianza LimaAlfonso UgarteUniversitarioJose LeyvaAlfonso Ugarte28
1976Unión HuaralSport BoysJuan AurichAlejandro LucesUnión Huaral17
1977Alianza LimaSporting CristalMelgarFreddy RavelloAlianza Lima21
1978Alianza LimaUniversitarioSporting CristalJuan José OréUniversitario19
1979Sporting CristalAtlético ChalacoJuan AurichJose LeyvaAlfonso Ugarte28
1980Sporting CristalTorinoAsociación Deportiva TarmaOswaldo RamírezSporting Cristal18
1981MelgarMunicipalUniversitarioJose CarranzaAlianza Lima15
1982UniversitarioAlianza LimaJuan AurichPercy RojasUniversitario19
1983Sporting CristalMelgarUniversitarioJuan CaballeroSporting Cristal29
1984Sport BoysUniversitarioMelgarJaime Drago
Francisco Montero
1985UniversitarioUniversidad Técnica de CajamarcaLos EspartanosGenaro NeyraMelgar22
1986San AgustínAlianza LimaN/AJuvenal BriceñoMelgar16
1987UniversitarioAlianza LimaN/AFidel SuarezUniversitario20
1988Sporting CristalUniversitarioN/AAlberto MoraOctavio Espinoza15
1989Unión HuaralSporting CristalN/ACarlos DelgadoCarlos A. Mannucci14
1990UniversitarioSport BoysN/ACláudio AdãoSport Boys31
1991Sporting CristalSport BoysUniversitarioRaúl Horacio BaldessariSporting Cristal25
1992UniversitarioSporting CristalMelgarMarquinhoSport Boys18
1993UniversitarioAlianza LimaSport BoysWaldir SáenzAlianza Lima19
1994Sporting CristalUniversitarioAlianza LimaFlavio MaestriSporting Cristal25
1995Sporting CristalUniversitarioAlianza LimaJulinhoSporting Cristal23
1996Sporting CristalAlianza LimaUniversitarioAdrián Czornomaz
Waldir Sáenz
Alianza Lima
1997Alianza LimaUniversitarioSporting CristalRicardo ZegarraAlianza Atlético17
1998UniversitarioSporting CristalSport BoysNílson Esidio MoraSporting Cristal25
1999UniversitarioAlianza LimaSporting CristalYsrael ZúñigaMelgar32
2000UniversitarioSporting CristalSport BoysEduardo EsidioUniversitario37
2001Alianza LimaCiencianoSporting CristalJorge RamirezWanka21
2002Sporting CristalUniversitarioAlianza LimaLuis Fabián ArtimeMelgar24
2003Alianza LimaSporting CristalCoronel BolognesiLuis BonnetSporting Cristal20
2004Alianza LimaSporting CristalCiencianoGabriel GarciaMelgar35
2005Sporting CristalCiencianoUniversitarioMiguel MosttoCienciano18
2006Alianza LimaCiencianoSporting CristalMiguel MosttoCienciano22
2007Universidad San MartínCoronel BolognesiCiencianoJohan FanoUniversitario19
2008Universidad San MartínUniversitarioSporting CristalMiguel XiménezSporting Cristal32
2009UniversitarioAlianza LimaJuan AurichRichard EstigarribiaTotal Chalaco23
2010Universidad San MartínLeón de HuánucoAlianza LimaHéber ArriolaUniversidad San Martín24
2011Juan AurichAlianza LimaSport HuancayoLuis TejadaJuan Aurich17
2012Sporting CristalReal GarcilasoUniversidad César VallejoAndy PandoReal Garcilaso27
2013UniversitarioReal GarcilasoSporting CristalRaúl Ruidíaz
Víctor Rossel
Unión Comercio
2014Sporting CristalJuan AurichMelgarSantiago SilvaUniversidad San Martín23
2015MelgarSporting CristalUniversidad César VallejoLionard PajoyUnión Comercio25
2016Sporting CristalMelgarUniversitarioRobinson AponzáAlianza Atlético30
2017Alianza LimaReal GarcilasoMelgarIrven ÁvilaSporting Cristal22