Progesterone devices used in farm animals

devices are broadly used in the control of reproductive management in livestock. They work by increasing circulating plasma progesterone levels with the following consequences:
  1. Progesterone suppresses the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus. This is done via a negative feedback to the hypothalamus neuroendocrine cells, by inhibition of KiSSpeptin KiSS1-derived peptide receptor, a protein needed for the release of GnRH.
  2. Low levels of GnRH prevent the emergence of a dominant follicle by reducing the release of LH and FSH hormones. Current follicular waves cease and a new wave emerges 3–5 days after implant.
  3. A dominant follicle develops but there is no ovulation as LH release is prevented by suppression of GnRH.
  4. Removal of progesterone device produces a surge of GnRH, generating a pulse of LH that induces ovulation.

    Methods of progesterone administration

The curve of plasma progesterone in ovariectomised cows fitted with either PRID or CIDR show similar overall levels with a more obvious initial peak in the coil versus the t-shaped device. It has been suggested that this increased level of plasma progesterone is due to optimal contact of the coil with the vaginal walls. Some heifers resent insertion of either device as it involves penetration of the hymen.
Device retention is high in both PRID and CIRD. Reasons for loss include overlubrication, pneumovagina, rogue cows pulling out the nylon string or plastic tail and slack cows, large breeds after several calvings.

Other devices