Propaganda techniques

A number of propaganda techniques based on social psychological research are used to generate propaganda. Many of these same techniques can be classified as logical fallacies, since propagandists use arguments that, while sometimes convincing, are not necessarily valid.

General character


Garth S. Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell define Propaganda as the "deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist. Harold D. Laswell's definition targets even more precisely the technical aspect:
"Propaganda in the broadest sense is the technique of influencing human action by the manipulation of representations. These representations may take spoken, written, pictorial or musical form."
Manipulation can be organized or unorganized, conscious or unconscious, politically or socially motivated. The concept reaches from systematic state propaganda to manipulate public opinion to "sociological propaganda", where the unconscious desire to be manipulated and self manipulation leads the individual to adapt to the socially expected thoughts and behaviours.
The transition from non-propaganda to propaganda is fluid. Effective manipulation presupposes non-manipulative embedding in order to unfold its effect, which is why the reference to these contexts is not yet a refutation of the manipulative character of an act of communication.


Propaganda is understood as a form of manipulation of public opinion. The semiotic manipulation of signs is the essential characteristic.
Thus, propaganda is a special form of communication, which is studied in communication research, and especially in media impact research, focusing on media manipulation. Propaganda is a particular type of communication characterized by distorting the representation of reality.

Manipulation and media

Common media for transmitting propaganda messages include news reports, government reports, historical revision, junk science, books, leaflets, movies, social media, radio, television, and posters. Less common nowadays are the cow post envelopes, examples of which have survived from the time of the American Civil War. In the case of radio and television, propaganda can exist on news, current-affairs or talk-show segments, as advertising or public-service announcement "spots" or as long-running advertorials. Propaganda campaigns often follow a strategic transmission pattern to indoctrinate the target group. This may begin with a simple transmission such as a leaflet dropped from a plane or an advertisement. Generally these messages will contain directions on how to obtain more information, via a web site, hot line, radio program, etc. The strategy intends to initiate the individual from information recipient to information seeker through reinforcement, and then from information seeker to opinion leader through indoctrination.
Information dissemination strategies only become propaganda strategies when coupled with propagandistic messages. Identifying these messages is a necessary prerequisite to study the methods by which those messages are spread.
. November 1920

Psychological aspects

Some techniques are categorized, analyzed and interpreted psychologically, within political psychology, especially mass psychology, social psychology, and cognitive psychology, which includes the study of cognitive distortions.
With regard to political and military conflicts, propaganda is seen as part of psychological warfare and information warfare, which gain particular importance in the era of hybrid warfare and cyberwarfare.

Logic and rhetoric

Some techniques are classified as logical fallacies, because propaganda uses arguments which may have psychological effects but which are logically invalid.
In rhetoric and dialectic they are viewed as sophisms, ruses, and eristic stratagems.

Specific techniques

Scholars have identified many standard techniques used in propaganda and persuasion.
;Ad hominem
;Ad nauseam
;Agenda setting
;Appeal to authority
;Appeal to fear
;Appeal to prejudice
;Big lie
;Black-and-white fallacy
;Cherry picking
;Classical conditioning
;Cognitive dissonance
;Common man
;Cult of personality
;Demonizing the enemy
, urging Americans to buy Liberty Bonds
;Divide and rule
;Door-in-the-face technique
;False accusations
;Fear, uncertainty, and doubt
;Firehose of falsehood
- personification of Finnish nationalism
;Foot-in-the-door technique
;Gish gallop
;Glittering generalities
;Guilt by association or Reductio ad Hitlerum
;Information overload
;Intentional vagueness
;Latitudes of acceptance
's political murals depict a modern interpretation of the Black Legend.
;Loaded language
;Love bombing
;Lying and deception
;Managing the news
, 16th century
;Milieu control
;Non sequitur
;Obfuscation, intentional vagueness, confusion
;Operant conditioning
from Heroes of the Fiery Cross by Bishop Alma White published by the Pillar of Fire Church 1928 in Zarephath, NJ
;Pensée unique
;Quotes out of context
;Red herring
s to lay a false trail, while training hunting dogs—an apocryphal story that was probably the origin of the idiom.
, love it or leave it", often used during the Brazilian military dictatorship
;Stereotyping, name calling or labeling
;Straw man
depicting the rape of Bulgarian women by Ottoman troops during the suppression of the April Uprising a year earlier, served to mobilize public support for the Russo-Turkish War waged with the proclaimed aim of liberating the Bulgarians.
;Third party technique
;Thought-terminating cliché
;Unstated assumption
;Virtue words